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Safety Tips

Smart and Safe Dating Guidelines

Building connections with new individuals is an exciting journey. However, it's crucial to approach each interaction with care. Trust your instincts and prioritize your safety, whether you're chatting online or preparing for an in-person meeting. While we can't monitor every individual's actions, by staying informed and alert, you can ensure a confident and secure experience on Kaba Date.

Online Safety Guide

  • Avoid Money Exchange or Give Out Financial Details

Avoid sending money, especially through direct bank methods, even if a user claims it's urgent. Once money is sent like this, retrieving or tracking it becomes difficult. Always guard your financial details and don't share information that could be misused. If someone on Kaba Date requests money, immediately alert our support team.

For additional tips on avoiding romance scams, you can also check out advice from the U.S Federal Trade Commission on the FTC website FTC website.

  • Guard Your Personal Details

Do not share sensitive information such as your social security number, home or workplace addresses, or specifics about your daily activities (like visiting a particular place regularly) with unfamiliar individuals. For parents, it's advised to minimize details about your children when setting up your profile or in initial conversations. Avoid mentioning your children's names, their schools, or specifics about their ages and genders.

  • Remain Within Our App

For initial interactions, we recommend keeping your conversations within the Kaba Date platform. Our messaging system has built-in safety features (learn more here), so individuals with ill intentions might attempt to shift the conversation to text, other messaging apps, email, or direct calls promptly. Staying on Kaba Date ensures a safer chatting environment.

  • Exercise Caution with Distant and International Connections

Be cautious of individuals who say they're from your region but are currently stranded elsewhere, particularly if they request monetary assistance to come back. Be skeptical of anyone unwilling to meet face-to-face or engage in a phone or video conversation— their identity might not match their claims. If someone sidesteps your inquiries or is keen on committing to a deep relationship before genuinely knowing you, treat it as a warning sign.

  • Notify of Any Unusual or Offensive Interactions

Trust your instincts. If someone behaves in a manner that feels wrong or breaches our guidelines, we urge you to inform us. Block and report any member who doesn't adhere to our rules. Examples of such violations include:

  • Asking for money or donations
  • Accounts of minors
  • Intimidation, threatening behavior, or unsolicited messages
  • Unsuitable or harmful conduct, either online or during face-to-face meetings
  • Misleading profiles
  • Unsolicited promotions, including links to commercial sites or efforts to market goods or services

You can flag any worrisome actions directly from any profile page or chat window. For further details, please refer to our Community Guidelines.

  • Secure Your Account

Choose a robust password and exercise caution when accessing your account from communal or public devices. Kaba Date will never request your username or password through email. Should you receive such an email, please report it to us right away.

In-Person Meetups

  • Proceed With Caution

    Before you transition from chatting on Kaba Date to a real-life interaction, ensure you've taken ample time to understand your match. Using video or voice calls within the platform can offer a better perspective before you meet.

  • Choose Public Spaces for First Dates

    Begin your dating journey in places that are busy and public. Private settings, especially individual homes, should be avoided initially. If your date suggests an isolated spot, it might be time to reconsider the date's continuation.

  • Inform Trusted Contacts

    Always share your plans, including the who, when, and where, with someone you trust. It's also a good idea to ensure your mobile device has sufficient battery and is easily accessible.

  • Stay in Charge of Your Ride

    Ensure you have a clear and independent transportation plan. This gives you the flexibility to depart as per your comfort. If you're driving, think ahead about alternative transport options, just in case.

  • Be Mindful of Consumption Limits

    It's essential to know how substances, including alcohol, can influence you. Stand firm if you're being pushed to consume more than you're comfortable with. If this happens, consider whether the date should continue.

  • Watch Over Your Drink and Valuables****

    Always keep a watchful eye on your drink, accepting only those you've seen being prepared. Some predatory substances are invisible and tasteless. Likewise, ensure personal items like your phone or wallet are secure and close.

  • Prioritize Your Comfort

    It's perfectly fine to end a date early if you're not feeling at ease. Always trust your intuition. And, if you ever feel in a tricky situation, don't hesitate to seek assistance from venue staff.

Safety & Consent in Intimacy

  • Prioritize Protection

Condoms, when utilized properly, offer substantial protection against many STIs, including HIV. Nonetheless, remember that some STIs, like herpes or HPV, can transfer via direct skin contact. Vaccinations can mitigate the risk of certain STIs.

  • Stay Informed About Your Health

Many STIs might not manifest visible symptoms. It's essential to be informed about your health status. Regular testing is key to ensuring both your well-being and that of others. Here’s where you can find a clinic near you (US only).

  • Open Conversations Matter

Engaging in open dialogue is crucial: Prior to any physical intimacy, discuss sexual health and the importance of STI testing. In many regions, intentionally transmitting an STI can have legal consequences. Need help starting the conversation? Here are some tips.

  • Respecting Boundaries

Every intimate act should be rooted in mutual consent. Regularly communicating with your partner is vital to understanding and respecting each other's boundaries. Remember that consent is a continuous process and can be retracted at any moment. Mutual respect means never pushing forward if there's uncertainty, discomfort, or if substances like drugs or alcohol impair judgment. Read more about it here.

Help and Advice Center

Keep in mind — while these guidelines aim to reduce risks, no approach guarantees complete safety. If you encounter an unsettling experience, understand that you're not to blame and there are avenues for assistance. Please notify Kaba Date of any adverse events, and consider consulting the resources provided. If you believe you're facing an immediate threat or require urgent help, dial your local emergency number or law enforcement agency call 911 (U.S. or Canada) or your local law enforcement agency.

RAINN’s National Sexual Assault Hotline1-800-656-HOPE (4673) | online.rainn.org | www.rainn.org

Planned Parenthood1-800-230-7526 | www.plannedparenthood.org

National Domestic Violence Hotline1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 | www.thehotline.org

National Human Trafficking Hotline1-888-373-7888 or text 233733 | www.humantraffickinghotline.org

National Sexual Violence Resource Center1-877-739-3895 | www.nsvrc.org

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children1-800-THE-LOST (843-5678) | www.cybertipline.com

Cyber Civil Rights Initiative1-844-878-2274 | www.cybercivilrights.org

VictimConnect - Crime Victim Resource Center1-855-4VICTIM (855-484-2846) | www.victimconnect.org

FBI Internet Crime Complaint Centerwww.ic3.gov